let's do that hockey!

Mid-summer Media Round-Up

It's been a while, so let's talk about some media! I won't be talking about anything I looked at in March, due to hiatus.

The Glass Hotel - Emily St. John Mandel


I read this novel in a single morning, and I definitely enjoyed it. It's definitely a lot more enjoyable if you think of it as less of an actual story, and more like a series of vignettes studying a variety of interesting and flawed characters.

The author's writing style really sucked me in, so I'll probably give her other books a go!

Undead Unluck

Manga - 164 chapters - Ongoing

This is definitely one of my favorite ongoing manga! The beginning is a little rough, that's for sure - but it's blossomed into this fantastic, timeline-looping story that changes its protagonist from a shy, weak girl into a fascinating 'mysterious but also goofy' mentor figure as she uses her knowledge from the previous timeline to prevent all the tragedies that occurred.

With great fight scenes, cool character writing, and an intense dose of irony, I really, really hope this one sticks the landing, whenever it gets there. Until then, I'll happily keep reading!

The Black Phone

Movie - 2021

I watched this movie on a whim, and I found out I really liked it! It would make a good 'first horror movie' for pre-teens/young teens, I think. The color palette is super cool, and the story is simple and easy to follow. It leaves just enough up to the imagination/assumption of the viewers, and I think that really makes for a classic experience. Not everything needs to be explained, people!

It's definitely weird to say, but I thought the ghost kids were really well done. I kinda hope this movie doesn't get a follow-up, it was a nice neat package that I can definitely see myself re-watching in the future.